Soap Opera Fanfiction Central

This is a blog dedicated to the pairs of Robin, Patrick and Cooper and Maxie. Here is a place you can read fanfiction about these pairing

Friday, March 02, 2007

Maxie and Cooper:The Beginning of Something More:Prologue

Maxie stood completely still as she looked at Robin who was lying unconscious on the couch.
“Robin,” Maxie whispered without thinking.
Three quickly looked at Maxie’s direction and gave her the “be quiet” look and then let his eyes travel in the direction she was looking. He briefly thought back to when Maxie was trying to get him to see the hostages as people…
“You know what your problem is? You need to see the hostages as people, just like you see me.”

“No, I don't.”

“You know, I don't have many girlfriends -- women don't seem to like me for some reason -- but I did recently make one friend. Her name is Sam. She's in love, trying to have a baby. I'm pretty sure that's what she would be doing right now if she wasn't being held up in a lobby with your psycho partners. And then there's Nikolas. He just got his son back from a kidnapper, and he would probably be at home celebrating right now with the love of his life if he wasn't here. And, yeah, I know it sounds corny to say "love of his life." But Nikolas and Emily, they have this real-life, fairy-tale romance. Did I mention Emily’s in there, too? So is my cousin, robin. She's a doctor. Robin's life has real value, not just to me and my family or her boyfriend, Patrick, but to the world.”

“I don't need to hear this.”

“And then there's Elizabeth. I mean, I can't stand her, but it doesn't mean I want her to die. I mean, she's carrying Lucky's baby. Not only would you be killing her, but you would be responsible for the death of an innocent, unborn child.”

“It wasn't supposed to turn out like this, all right?”

“How did you think it was supposed to be? Your boss gave you a mask and a gun and told you not to let anyone leave.”

“It was a job -- five minutes, in and out. He made the plan we followed. There wasn't supposed to be real flesh-and-blood people involved.”

He was brought out of his thoughts by One holding up the detonator.
Maxie could barely hear what was being said but she did see One holding the detonator in his hand waving it around like it was a new toy, After that she must have zoned out for a few seconds because the next thing she knew Sonny and One were fighting, the room was pitch black and the detonator was at Three’s feet. He slowly picked it up and before he could do anything he heard the voice of the girl he’d bonded with and came to care for while being stuck in a vault for hours.
He moved his finger away from the button; he couldn’t bring himself to push the button if it put her in danger. Before he could have time to think about anything the detonator was snatched out of his hand and the button was pushed. Now the only thing he could do was try his best to protect her so he pulled her behind the couch as she crouched down on her knees and he shielded her with his body as chaos surrounded them.


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